Surfing is fun and is supposed to be fun. It is a great sport. However, if you are not in good physical condition, you will end up disappointed and not have fun. First off, if you are not in good shape for paddling, you will have a difficult time paddling your surfboard out through the incoming waves to get out to the spot where you can start catching waves. The paddle out to the best spot in the lineup to catch waves can be anywhere from fifty yards to four hundred yards. If you are exhausted when you get out in the lineup, you will have to spend good surfing time resting instead of catching waves. Chances are you might not even make it out there.

Some of you will be so out of shape that you will not be able to get through the incoming surf and will be forced to turn around and go back to the beach where you started. That doesn’t sound like a successful fun day of surfing.

I was once told that “couch potatoes don’t make it in surfing”. That really makes sense. This probably applies more to part time surfers because many surfers surf all year around. However, even the year around surfers have to stay in training to realize their maximum potential for a good surfing experience every time they go out.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7640474


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